Jun 11Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

This is just lovely! Thank you for giving us a peek inside the books that touched your heart. I, too, have left books in multiple cities, and I'm going to adopt your perspective about them — I love thinking that parts of me are still there, and maybe they're interacting with other people in my stead.

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Thanks for reading, Melissa! I do believe that we leave parts of ourselves through the books that stay behind. Or at least it's a nice, romantic view on things. ;)

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What a lovely piece! Thank you for sharing Monica's words with us, Matthew! :)

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Thank you, Kate! :)

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Jun 11Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

Don't leave books with friends. You never get them back. What is it about book readers that makes them thieves? : )

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Jun 11Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

I found your guest post on Beyond the Bookshelf captivating and deeply inspiring. Your narrative illustrates how books have been your steadfast companions through your global journeys and personal growth. The way you intertwined your reflections on Cuore and Educated with your own life experiences was compelling. Your story of finding solace and identity through literature resonated with me profoundly. Thank you for sharing such a heartfelt essay.

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Jon, thank you for such lovely words about my essay! I'm glad to hear it resonated with you as well, that's all a writer can hope for, with every piece of text she writes. :)

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Jun 11Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

Your love of books shines so brightly in this beautiful piece, Monica.

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Oh, thank you, Maureen!!

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Jun 11Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

If only all who read could develop a love of learning through the written word! Such a beautiful journey! Thanks, Matthew and Monica!

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Thank you for reading, Therese!

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Thank you, Matthew for publishing not just my essay but a lovely introduction! Grateful for this.

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

Great post!! reading about books and migrating is reaching deep into my millennial expat soul!

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Great to hear that, Barbs! :)

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

Nice to meet you, Monica. Heading over to your Substack now...

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Great to meet you here too, Lani! :)

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

Lovely piece, and nice to meet you, Monica. And thank you for the reminder to read 'Educated'. It must have been sitting on the shelf for more than four or five years... I don't know what's taken me so long (although I do often struggle to read books which receive so much hype, even though it sounds more than warranted from all who have read it).

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Thank you for your kind words, Matt. I also tend to reject books and especially movies that get the hype. I recommend Educated of course, but I also know that particular stories and styles resonate with each of us in different ways...

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

Indeed. And of course there's always already too many books on our to-be-read piles to lend too generous an ear to the recommendations of others! But I will get to Educated, I'm certain.

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

This is absolutely lovely. You described the soulful nature of books beautifully! I was an early reader, reading in my corner of the playground, and on my bed, as an immigrant child - then I grew to have a more visual nature in art, and pursued that, had children, and didn't take time for books. I am much older now and have never loved reading more. Seasons. Thank you Monica and Matthew for this great post!

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Thanks, Deborah, for the kind words. I'm glad to hear you're back to reading as I think it's one of the sweetest pleasures for the mind and the soul. :)

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

It really is! Writing made me a better reader. Who knew? And all of that came from a heavy place of grief. I am not a writer. I woke up one day and ran to it. Then the reading followed. A blessing :).

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Writing heals, writing can make you understand what you think, writing can unload your emotional heaviness, writing is making art with letters strung together. Can you tell I love it? 😄

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Jun 12Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

You cannot describe writing any better than this! I can feel the love immensely. ox

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Beautiful. I’m so happy Deborah Hewitt tagged me in a repost! I relate so well growing up as an introvert and searching for bookstores and libraries wherever I go. If you are ever in Las Vegas, be sure to visit the library‘s. They are the most amazing! You will love them.

There is so much here to read, I will have to read it a few more times. Thank you so much! I am a new subscriber and fan! To both of you! ✨💜🤗

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Thanks, Charlotte, I will definitely remember that about LV, as I hope to make it there soon.

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If you love libraries, there is a higher grade. But you do have to travel out to Summerlin or few more remote remote places the one near the strip is small, but still very good.

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Jun 19Liked by Monica Nastase, Matthew Long

I still have boxes of books in a friend’s attic from 20 years ago. I’ve convinced myself that eventually I will fork out the cash to have them shipped overseas. Seven countries later and I’m just grateful for long-lasting friendships with people who still grant me storage space after all these years! ☺️🌸

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That's a beautiful story in itself, Dany! I find it grounding to leave pieces of yourself in physical spaces. Seven countries! That's quite a lot of cultural changes.

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