Wow, looks like you had an amazing time in Italy. I’ll be thinking of you today and it’ll be over in no time. Good for you for taking good care of yourself!

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Aug 6Liked by Matthew Long

Sounds like a wonderful summer and perfect way to end your Navy career! …except for the surgery. Prayers for a successful surgery and very speedy recovery!

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Aug 6Liked by Matthew Long

Thank you so much for the shoutout, I feel honoured to be on your online fiction reading list. Good luck with that surgery!

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Aug 6Liked by Matthew Long

Your piece captures the essence of a fulfilling and reflective summer, blending personal milestones with literary aspirations beautifully. I particularly enjoyed how you shared your journey through Italy and your ambitious reading plans for the months ahead. Summer is such a great time for reading and reflecting!

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Looks like a fabulous trip!

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Dear Matthew, Wishing you the very best with your surgery tomorrow -- sending good energy for a speedy and complete restoration. Please be patient with yourself -- the surgery alone is a big thing, but you've also just experienced your retirement transition, on top of some awesome international travel! Breathe!! All my best! Hal

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Perfect summer.

I had cervical fusion years ago and it made a HUGE difference in my quality of life.

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Welcome back, Matthew! I hope your surgery goes well and you recover from it quickly. We've missed you around here.

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Aug 6Liked by Matthew Long

Dear Matthew, looks like it was an amazing vacation. You’ll be in my thoughts tomorrow, wishing you the best.

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Those photos are wonderful!

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Aug 6Liked by Matthew Long

Yes, welcome back ! You have been missed, Matthew ! But first of all, concentrate on your post operative recovery. We will be here waiting for you when you’re ready to return. The photos are lovely, so good to hear you had a great time. Sending best wishes.

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Aug 6Liked by Matthew Long

It looks like you've had a great summer, Matthew. Happy for you! I love the Italy photos, and the food...WOW. Looking forward to your reading and thoughts on Homer this fall.

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Best of luck with the surgery sir. Our worries are generally never realized. 🙏

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Aug 7Liked by Matthew Long

Looks like a beautiful trip. Sending prayers and good wishes for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!

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Lovely images from Italy, Matt. Good to switch off the reading and change focus. Wishing you all the luck for the surgery. You’ll have plenty of time recuperating to devour your list of planned reads.

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When I went to Pisa, I wanted to see where they invented it and whether the original was deep dish, thin crust or stuffed crust, but all I saw was a building about ready to tip over. Same thing with Venice. I spent two days trying to find the blind factory. Never did find it.

Somebody needs to say something.

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