Supporting my work
Thank you for subscribing to Beyond the Bookshelf. After a 24-year career in the Navy, I now spend my days reading, drinking strong coffee, listening to jazz, taking long walks with my dog, and spending time with my wife and children. I also have an insatiable curiosity about life. Through this publication, I draw connections between literature, music, art, and life.
If you know someone who loves exploring life and literature, please share my publication with them.
Membership Options
Free Subscriptions: Everything I write is available to everyone. I realize there are many demands on our financial resources and everyone’s situation differs. I don’t want finances to hinder access to my writing. You can sign up without financial obligation. I am grateful to have you along for the journey and look forward to your participation in the discussions.
Paid Subscriptions: The independent research and writing of Beyond the Bookshelf takes time and though it is a labor of love, I appreciate anyone who feels called to support my work financially. You have my sincere gratitude. Paid subscribers will receive a special quarterly email with my Community Book Recommendations along with access to the weekly paid subscriber chat. I have several options below so you can pick which best suits your finances and desires.
Sustaining Members: These subscribers have the means and desire to support my writing in a philanthropic way. You will receive a copy of my Book of the Year and a handwritten note. I am truly grateful for your support.
Gift me a book!
Another way to support my work is to gift me a book from my wish list! Sending me a book from one of the lists below counts as a paid subscription, and I will comp you for a year.
Tip Jar!
And I have a tip jar available for those who prefer. Thank you very much.